Page 495 - Peterson 85 Years and Going Strong
P. 495

One of my mentors at Caterpillar once told me, “We are in the relationship business. We just happen to sell and support equipment, engines, trucks, and technology.” That philosophy had a great impact on me early in my career. Business can still be done on a handshake when there is mutual trust and respect. It is our com- mitment to continue this principle because that’s how our great-grandfather founded this company and it has served us well for four generations.
Peterson’s legacy—now 85 years strong—was built by the thousands of people who have worked and become part of the Peterson family. It all begins and ends with people. What we do matters. Our products and services shape our world and build our future, a future that will be better because of what our resilient and talented family of Peterson people do each day.
This business was founded on relationships. The ties between generations of Peterson people, generations of customers, generations of dealer peers and our manufacturing partners have made us who we are today. There aren’t many businesses where employees have multi-generational relationships with their customers. Our kind of work makes these special relationships possible. When you do impactful work, it attracts like-minded, hard-working people who want to make a difference. Peterson will continue to do what we’ve always done; bring great people together—employees and customers—to build a better future.
—Duane Doyle Jr. & Erin (Doyle) Sorgel
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