Page 456 - Peterson 85 Years and Going Strong
P. 456

   Top: Painting of the original Oroville Dam construction by nine-yr old Duane Sr. in 1964; Bottom: Generations 1–4 at Chico Store (L-R) Howard Peterson, Duane Sr. & Bill Doyle in 1959; and Duane Jr., Bill Doyle & Duane Sr. in 2017
me of is that this is a relationship business. We just happen to sell machines, engines, and parts.” Ed also taught Duane the value of fitness. “Ed is the one that coined the phrase corporate athlete,” says Duane. “He instilled in me the importance of physical fitness to stay healthy and manage stress, which helps you maintain a competitive edge.”
In 2010, Jeff Goggin took Duane Jr. on as a men- tor guiding him through the succession process of becoming Peterson’s next dealer principal and CEO. “Jeff taught me just how important rela- tionships are, especially with Cat people. At Cat meetings, he would always be the last to go up to bed. My dad is usually the first and I’m somewhere in between. But from Jeff I saw the value of sitting

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