Page 417 - Peterson 85 Years and Going Strong
P. 417

  Working with the original drawings was
really cool because they were original pencil drawings from our own archives. The artistry, the hand-shaded areas, the penmanship—you just don’t see that anymore.
– Jack Ravazza, general manager of Special Services, Peterson-Cat,
San Leandro
  were original pencil drawings from our own ar- chives. They were actually hand-drawn. The artist- ry, the hand-shaded areas, the penmanship—you just don’t see that anymore. And the lettering is perfect. They are really unique.”
“It was really good to have the originals to see just how it was done,” says Akin. “There were almost certain changes and blueprints for each of the dif- ferent Twins Buster built. Like the one that went to King Ranch in Texas. It had completely differ- ent final drives on it.” And those changes led to
A few of the many original Twin D8 drawings dating back to 1949
CHAPTER 25 | 415

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