Page 32 - Peterson 85 Years and Going Strong
P. 32

 Brand Ambassador is all about living our values, having good communication, and knowing how to treat our customers and each other.
– Duane Doyle Sr., owner and CEO, Peterson-Cat
lot of their garbage. One day his youngest son was playing in the backyard and found some gasoline and poured it into the incinerator. It exploded and burnt him really bad. He was in the hospital for three days, and then he died. They didn’t have burn care like they do today. Ed and his wife blamed themselves—Ed in particular because he was away when the kids found the gasoline. And when you lose a child, you never really get over it. But Ed and his wife persevered. They went back to work and lived life.
“I was named after the boy who died. One of the things that I learned from my grandfather, Ed, is that you never give up. That story had a big im- pact on me. Because he lost everything, and he persevered. He lost his son and he persevered. He was always upbeat, always friendly, always doing things. There might have been times when he did get down, but he always overcame it. So if things are down or aren’t going right, you don’t give up. You never give up.”
With that, Duane Doyle Sr. walks off stage.
who’s broken. But after listening to these stories, they realize that their co-workers have stories and challenges too. Even the owner has problems and things that get to him. Being able to see a deeper side of their co-workers makes Peterson a more human place.”
Tom Bagwell, the Godfather of Peterson’s Brand Ambassador program
All 1,500 Peterson employees went through that first phase of the Leader as Brand Ambassador course back in 2012–14, with continuing educa- tion as more courses evolved. Each class is made up of a cross section of employees from across the Peterson spectrum: sales people, technicians, office personnel, parts people, managers, top leadership. Everyone participates. And because leaders lead, the executive team has been involved in every workshop. Since the beginning, Duane Doyle Sr. has been to over seventy. “If we’re expecting peo- ple to move out of their comfort zone and change their behavior, and we’re not there, then why should they do it? For most people, this training is uncomfortable until they experience it and learn from it. So how can I expect them to participate if I’m not willing to be there too?”
Brand Ambassador is Peterson’s way of sinking its core values deep into the bones of its employees. People emerge with a fresh attitude and renewed enthusiasm for the future. “It’s all about living our
 That experience is the heartbeat of Brand Ambas- sador—sharing personal stories that break down barriers, build empathy, and inspire people toward excellence. Telling our stories helps us understand why we’ve become the people we are today. “Most people come into this course thinking that every- body else has it all figured out,” says Tom Bagwell, now the executive VP & GM of Peterson Trucks, who spearheaded Peterson’s Brand Ambassador program. “They think that they’re the only one

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