Page 255 - Peterson 85 Years and Going Strong
P. 255

  We do what we say
  We have never worked with a supplier who has taken the
commitment to supply a product more seriously than Peterson. We would recommend you to anyone.
– Dr. James Benford, director of HPM Division, Physics International
     Integrity is one of the five Peterson Core Values reinforced in Brand Ambassador.
the one-man vendor, who by then had gone bankrupt and off-grid. As general contractor, the one-throat-to- choke concept was never more applicable or painful.
All during this time, the smaller of the two engines, the Cat 3406, was working and racking up billable hours, which were going unpaid due to the lack of performance of the larger Cat 3412. “As a distributor, I was getting more and more concerned,” recalls Goggin. “I just wanted to get those engines back and forget the whole deal ever happened. That’s when I decided to seek legal counsel and check out our options.” They weren’t good. Neither were there any forthcoming solutions. The stalemate persisted, as did the tension brought on by the looming multimillion-dollar damage threat.
At around the six-month mark, the two companies held a high-level meeting. Peterson owner and CEO— Duane Doyle Sr.—listened to the situation from both sides, reviewed the contract, and asked a number of questions. His bottom line was simple: What did we say we were going to do? followed by the charge to his own people to make it happen—whatever it took. He also entreated Physics International to help since they were the experts in the field. “Once they knew we weren’t trying to shirk our responsibilities, things changed,” says Gog- gin. “They’d been half expecting us to walk out, but we didn’t. We were committed to doing whatever it took because that’s
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